Originally Posted by tommac3
I dont think she has the upload picture option coded correctly.
That's at least funny to say something like this while there are 200+ installations working well. So, for last time I'm repeating the right procedure:
- Set usergroup permissions to upload photos (number of photos). Please note that "0" dosen't means unlimited, but exactly 0 (zero), user can't upload photos.
- Uploading images with classifieds is totally independed on how you've setup vB to upload/store images (eg on webspace or in database). All uploading images with classifieds are uploading at: classifieds/photos and classifieds/photos/thumbs for thumbnail.
- Double check that directories below first of all exist, and second that they have writting permissions (777):
- classifieds/photos
- classifieds/photos/thumbs
- classifieds/photos/tmp
If everything of above are set correctly then you must be able to upload images. BUT!!! there is a big but.... unfortunatelly I've seen sites having soooo manyyyy mods. That's a sure way to make your vB installation upside-down. Latelly I visited a site to check this problem (not image upload) on my own. Its true that when I tried with admin's details it was impossible to upload. Then I registered as normal user to that site. Guess what I was able to upload. After this I asked the site owner to upgrade my account giving it admin rights. Voila, I was able to upload again. So the fact is that any user, belonging to any usergroup was able to upload except the user "xxxxx". Sorry but after it, you can't say that the error comes from the code. For sure is coming from something wrong in your installation.
Thank you