That's the problem.... I just use chat, and everything is OK, and then
sometimes it's not. I do nothing - just typing or reading..... For this I'll try to find any reason...
Here is a visual tour
Memorize chats formatting chosen by users in the chatbox set to
1. First, I send some text with ALL defaults - everything is like it should be:
2. Then I do formating text, and I see on the input bar how text should looks like:
3. Text is showing like it should...
4. Now I back ALL to default, and I turn OFF B, I and U tags
5. After click on OK, I got THIS?! Font is bigget then it should be (you see
on top DEFAULT font size!!!)
6. OK. Let see how text is show if I set SIZE to 3?
7. Hmmm, same like a step before......
8. OK... And if I size set to 4....?
9. Hmmm, text looks bold?
10. Let's turn ON bold to see changes.....
11. Yes, text is
NOW bold....?!
12. BUT, if I again ALL back to
default and type text, formating not chahged!!!!!
All text are BOLD and SIZE 4! P. S.
In this stage, this option (Memorise Chat Formating....) is STILL set to YES (I still not refreshed page)!!!!!
13. If I go to: UserCP -> User Options (on bottom of the screen), I have this Chat Options... Hmmm, all of this settings are selected here (bold, size)!?!?!?
14. HERE, I change ALL options to DEFAULT, and click SAVE CHANGES
15. And NOW, option
Memorize chats formatting chosen by users in the chatbox is set to
NO!!!! (page are refreshed now)!!! Now Again type same text...... click to OK.....
16. ... and voala! Text are displayed like it should!!!
17. Let's now format text (font, size, color). ALL selected formating I
can see on input field....... click to OK.......
18. ... and text are NOT formated!!!
Here's something wrong