Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
Makes me wonder how we can't give a good honest answer to a problem that this board has got without being accused of starting a riot, Thats not what this is about, so i don't know for the life in me why some people think it is.
Let me try to give an answer to this.
From the first post of this thread:
What is the administration going to do to address this ongoing issue?
This single line make a few assumptions:
- There is an ongoing issue that has been a problem for some time.
- Administration failed to address this issue.
The "ongoing issue" is stated as a fact, but i don't see the proof of this claim. Usually spammers are handled without much delay, often even before any member viewed or reported it. Not a real issue in my view.
Last saturday we had a situation where no staff was online for a longer period of time. This is not common and should be seen as an exception. This same day we had a sudden increase of porn spammers. Very unfortunate coincidence, but not a structual problem as we usually do not get that many porn spammers (probably school holiday in some countries) and we do have staff that handles this spam within a reasonable time.
Now here is where the irritation starts on both sides. Staff don't see this as a problem that needs to be addressed (or need to be addressed on short term), and members "accusing" staff of ignoring the "problem".
Yes suggestions are welcomed, but please don't go search for problems where there are none (or none structural/severe) and then blame staff if they don't want to spend time on a problem that doesn't exist.