Vbuletin running slow in Internet Explorer
My vbulletin just all of a sudden started running slow, and only in Internet Explorer. I tried it myself and it is slow for me. Some of my best members are getting irratated. Can someone look at this and tell me what I should do to fix this problem.
Here is a letter that I received from one of my posters:
Hey Michael...
As you know I'm a big fan of your forum..
A while back I asked about the site logging down.
This has not been cured for me.
I just spent a lot of time just trying to reply to a post and, to be honest, it's a real pain watching it spin and getting a 'can not connect' message...Each time that happens I jump to my bookmarks and instantly have access to another web site, so I know it isn't my pc..
I don't know what needs be done but the enjoyment of using a site is lessened when I can't even scroll through the various threads and make replies or post, even if it is not a constant problem...
I'd have sent this complaint in a PM but your forum site won't let me do that..