Originally Posted by Ted S
Highlighting the top rated post:
Step 1 - Set " Get Top Post per Thread" to on in your Helpful Answers settings.
Step 2 - Open your postbit or postbit_legacy template (whichever your forum uses)
Step 3 - Find all instances of class="alt1" and class="alt2"
Step 4 - At each instance add the following code directly after style="
<if condition="$thread[toppost] == $post[postid]">background-color:#CCCCCC;</if>
#CCCCCC is the color to highlight the post with. You may change this to another HTML Color Code
Step 5 - Repeat this for each instance (there may be as many as 5 depending on the template)
For example:
<td class="alt1" align="$stylevar[right]" style="<if condition="$thread[toppost] == $post[postid]">background-color:#CCCCCC;</if>border: $stylevar[cellspacing]px solid $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]; border-$stylevar[left]: 0px; border-top: 0px">
I see that if two posts have the same rating (in this case 1) the first one gets 'toppost'. Here's an example:
What do you think about a 'toppost threshold' or an option to 'make toppost' by the thread starter or admin ?
Also, is how many topppost's a user has something good to put in their profile/postbit?