Its just my personal preference, but I do not care for professional sites using black themes.
The meta description is too long and full of trash words
<meta name="description" content="Photographers Paradise is a communtity site for all levels of photography. Membership is free and members can customize their own profile, have their own photo albums, keep a blog, participate in our forums, - even create their own social groups for their photo clubs or photography interests. All of these features make a "Photographer's Paradise"!" />
The description should be between 12 - 15 words and use only targeted keywords. Your description is full of trash words - "a, in, our, even, create, own",,,,,
Condense your forums sections so you have fewer sections to fill up. In other words - you have too many sections.
There are too many line breaks in the welcome message. This makes it too tall.
When looking at the forum home page, and scrolled all the way to the top, all I can see very top of the Community Foum section. And that section is misspelled - the "r" was left out of forum.