Perhaps I'm confusing myself or not explaining correctly. Currently, I am trying to include the
Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics into the MKPortal cms. It appears that adding these stats to any portal can be rather difficult.
I learned that I can create a non-vb page and show the stats with the below code (add adding the file name to the cybtopstats options), without adding all of the information from the link you provided. I don't think its needed to include all the additional vb phrases, etc or is it?
PHP Code:
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'cybtopstats');
$cwd = getcwd();
chdir("../../forum/"); //Path to forums
echo $cybtopstats;
The problem now is just finding a way to get that same information to show on a portals home page. That above code works by itself, but does not seem to work when added to a portal/cms. Again, it seems an issue with trying to get the stats to show on various cms/portals. I'm unsure why that would be the case though, but it seems to be a difficult task.
So I'm looking at various other ways to try and access the $cybtopstats. One thought was to try and do it in a function, and call the function in the portal. Perhaps thats not the best approach. I am open to any suggestion to echo the data.