Originally Posted by Code Monkey
You're missing the point. It's so later you can say "you agreed to the rules of registration" when you joined or connected with FB the first time. It's an important legal issue for some.
Definitely is. I imagine the rules tool will be added shortly to this awesome mod but in the mean time for those who need it today, here's how to do it:
Part I - Check that the TOS was agreed to
Step 1: Open fblogin.php
Step 2: Go to line 93 or just after the code:
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'username' => TYPE_STR
Step 3: Add the following code:
// add tos check -- HACK
$pagenumber = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'agree', TYPE_BOOL);
if (!$vbulletin->GPC['agree'])
// end tos check
Part II - Asking the user to agree
Step 1 - Open the template fbconnect_login
Step 2 - Find the code
Step 3 - After this code add:
<input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="1" checked="checked" style="font-size:11px;" />
I agree to abide by the XYZ <a href="#" onclick="window.open('/XXXX.php','review','resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=480,width=640');">Terms of Service</a>.
Step 4 - Change the above code to reflect your forum name and the path to your forum rules. The rules will be shown in a popup window.
Hope I'm not stepping on any toes here. Just thought this could help some people who have concerns get by until the mod can be upgraded.