You suggested that my settings could be wrong. I have described them below, but have not responded (though you have responded to other posts since). I have had this mod installed for weeks now, including the link to you in my footer, but the ads are not working for me. I do not want to uninstall, because I need the functionality, but I will have to uninstall it if I cannot get any help solving these technical problems. I realize you are busy, and I am not the only one requesting your help, but I think you are the only one who can help me right now.
Originally Posted by abound
Thank you for the clarification.
The template I was referring is referenced in the how manual here:
The advertisement_rightcolumn template is the one I was referring to. I have since followed the instructions to make the right column visible, and it is still not visible. So, I look at the FAQ at, and am not sure if it applies to me. I cannot find global.start.php anywhere in my forum's directories. And anyways, I am running with the default vBulletin template, with only minor modifications.
You suggested that my problems could be my settings. Here are the settings I am aware of that could interfere with showing the right-column, and the values I have them set to.
- vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Enable Advertisments = Yes
- vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Enable Advertisments for usergroups = 6 (Note that I am in group 6)
- vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Do NOT Enable Advertisments for usergroups = BLANK
- vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Do NOT Enable Advertisments for scripts and software = BLANK
- vbAdManagement->Right Column->Force Right Column Width = 0
I also tried filling in $vbam_adcode[rightcolumn] as the text-box value for vbAdManagement->Right Column->Right Column Inclusion, and that didn't make a difference.
I also tried choosing different values from the drop-down menu for vbAdManagement->Right Column->Right Column Inclusion, but the only value that I ever see after saving is $ad_location[ad_footer_start].
Anything else you think I should look at?