Originally Posted by Ross L
I agree that blocking the browser completely may be a bit over the top, but you have to weigh up the amount of additional work that has to be put in on a site to get it formatting correctly in numerous browsers is more than enough, without having to support a crappy browser with the standards compliance of a cheap hooker. Not to mention the security risks you run using an outdated browser!
There are 3 types of people who run IE6:
People who don't know other browsers exist
People who don't have a clue about how they can update their computer software
People who work for companies whose IT department is just plain lazy or incompetent
I personally will not be supporting IE6 now that IE8 has been released.
There's 1 more type of people who run IE6 primarily:
People who are not technical, and doesn't care AT ALL what browser they are running. They are happy with whatever they have in their PC. They just want the website to *open*.
I think the above category comprises of the largest number of people. Because XP is still being used largely, therefore IE6 (shipped by default) is also being used.
I think its the worst thing to do to block a browser. vb is able to handle most of things for ie6. Remains the PNG issue, then there is already a nice fix available.