Great idea, though maybe this could be expanded slightly. Instead of blocking the user from browsing the forum (as every visitor is a visitor at the end of the day), every time they go on a new page, they get a drop down warning them that the site does not support IE6 and provide download links to Chrome, Firefox,IE7/8 and Opera.
Originally Posted by veenuisthebest
But why would you want to block a browser?? Whats the problem if a person still uses IE6.
I agree that blocking the browser completely may be a bit over the top, but you have to weigh up the amount of additional work that has to be put in on a site to get it formatting correctly in numerous browsers is more than enough, without having to support a crappy browser with the standards compliance of a cheap hooker. Not to mention the security risks you run using an outdated browser!
There are 3 types of people who run IE6:
People who don't know other browsers exist
People who don't have a clue about how they can update their computer software
People who work for companies whose IT department is just plain lazy or incompetent
I personally will not be supporting IE6 now that IE8 has been released.