Figured one out... To hide the edit message link for non-mods:
Find (in the product's .xml file) -- There are 2 instances of this string... :
($bbuserinfo[userid]==$cybcb_msg_arc[userid]) OR $cybcb_canmod
Replace with:
Alternatively, to INHERIT the *can delete* setting, Replace with:
(($bbuserinfo[userid]==$cybcb_msg_arc[userid]) AND $vbulletin->options['cybchatbox_users_candelete']) OR $cybcb_canmod
Import the product, allow overwrite.
Both methods work fine...
Suspect someone could construct the link and then edit messages, But i can live with it...
To disable it in the code (not tested), search for Ccb_controlArcMessage.prototype.Save and edit the function >> edit the condition???: if (
disabling the archive might require a lot of code to be edited?