Originally Posted by mdelcour
Well firstly let me point out that the way i've done it, with that image, is the way i wanted it, i didnt want the image accross the whole navbit! Besides its fairly simple if you wanted it accross the whole navbit, use a bigger image!
Secondly as i pointed out i made this mod as it was requested on VB.ORG, i didnt look on vb.COM. i realise its a very simple mod compared to most around here but there are people out there who haven't got a scooby about how to do this kind of stuff.
Thirdly why have you actually posted in this mod threa., If it doesnt suit your needs, why even post a responce, i'm not a designer or a coder just a guy who's trying to learn how to code and quite frankly your answer, might just be the reason why i dont help anyone again!
Thabnks for your input either way
- dave