Originally Posted by ged
I think cyb doesn't want his hack to be used by vBulletin users. Reason lies in my previous posts, he could at least say "sorry, I can't answer this problem."
Agreed <.<
I have a rather straight forward problem appears to be some sort of bug and haven't heard anything since posting in this thread already. If the damn thing wasn't so popular on my site I'd just remove it..
Once a user changes their text color, there is no way to change it back to the default... am I missing something here? The problem is that most people attempt to change it to black thinking that is the default text color, however that is not the case for all skins, so in the end the users who use our dark skin can't read the black text, they need a way to select the default text color for the skin they're currently using.
...maybe Cyb is away on vacation? At any rate, a simple reply here letting us know you can or can't fix the problem would be cool.