Originally Posted by birdie
I caught the comments earlier in the thread re it working on 3.7 .... BUT, will it work on 3.6.11 (don't ask about why not upgrading!)
I haven't tried it, but I don't see why not.
Originally Posted by mykkal
Hey King, how are you?
Please, if you know...I'm just wondering if you know what code I need to change so that the "tweet" title reflects the title of the post "tweeted".
That's a feature for v1.1.
Originally Posted by redlabour
Are the .svn and .DS_Store Folders needed on a Linux/Windows Server or are they only for Mac?
And can you integrate a more modern and Twitter-Like Icon to send the Tweets?
This blue old Style Button in the Package looks terrible.
Waiting for 1.1. 

I am not a good graphic artist. But, I have attached the new one we are using (thanks @fattony69!).
And .svn and .DS_Store can be removed. They are hidden on mac and I totally missed them. .DS_Store is a Mac thing... So yeah, delete.