Originally Posted by EWGF
Edit: Only US timezones? 
You can add timezones in your control panel. Only timezones found HERE:
http://us.php.net/timezones will function with this mod. You cant use something like "EST", you must use "US/Eastern"; as it will automatically take daylight savings into consideration. BTW... I hate Electric Wind God Fist... but I LOVE Bloodline Rebellion. Whats your name on TZ?
Originally Posted by DobieGillis?
installed but getting this error when trying to create a new event
Fixed in new release. Try it again and tell me if you still get the error.
Originally Posted by Ranger375
Crazy question, is this strictly designed for use in gaming or can it be used in just about anything? For example, if I run a fitness forum, can I have people 'compete' in that way?
This system works with ANY tournament structure for any type of event; doesn't have to be games. Doesn't even have to be single/double elimination; you can do round robin or swiss pairings as well. This system gives scores based on the OUTCOME of an event, not what happens during the event.
Originally Posted by Jasem
Please click the "Mark as Installed" link.