Originally Posted by Lynne
Just wanted to add that I could care less about the whole thing - I laugh about it, I'm not bitter at all.

I'am not really bitter, but I am a little disappointed. I was hoping that this site could have been a project that my son and I could share - kinda like building a model airplane together. But in this case, we built a website together.
My son said he was not interested in the site anymore, so I took it over. I have wanted a gaming site anyway, so its no big lose.
Originally Posted by veenuisthebest
Show your son this thread, and let him know how his father feels.
I told him how I felt - I tried to be nice - and I think his feelings were hurt. Kids ask a lot of their parents, but they do not see the big picture.
Originally Posted by fanyap
haha, nice!
...but I agree don't work with family
although I would do anything for my kids, just not outside my immediate family
My daughter, she is 12 (turning 13 in May), she said she wants a site. But for hers, I am thinking of using Wordpress MU (multi user) instead of VBulletin. But I think its going to be the same thing.
And then there is my step daughter - but for her forum I used SMF. It has not had a post in 2 months. Good thing I did not buy a VB license for that site.