Originally Posted by y2krazy
I would still love to see this implemented, since having all of the recipes blue is a bit confusing. Just have them all the gold color that you see when you link them from your profession window. It makes MUCH more sense. <3
~ Sean
In the plugin titled, WoW Crafting Main plugin , for this product.
$crafting_link = "<a id='itemlink' class='q3' href='http://www.wowhead.com/?" . $type . "=" . $itemid . "'>[" . $row['craft_name'] . "]</a>" ;
Replace q3 with q6 for Gold.
.q { color: #ffd100 !important } /* Gold - ??? */
.q0, .q0 a { color: #9d9d9d !important } /* Gray - Junk */
.q1, .q1 a { color: ffffff !important } /* White - Common */
.q2, .q2 a { color: #1eff00 !important } /* Green - Uncommon */
.q3, .q3 a { color: #0070dd !important } /* Blue - Rare */
.q4, .q4 a { color: #a335ee !important } /* Purple - Epic */
.q5, .q5 a { color: #ff8000 !important } /* Orange - Legendary */
.q6, .q6 a { color: #e5cc80 !important } /* Gold - Artifact ? */
.q7, .q7 a { color: #ff0000 !important } /* Red - Artifact ? */
.q8, .q8 a { color: #ffff98 !important } /* Yellow - ??? */