It's quite simple really. You know your family inside out so must have expected this so why go for a software that costs you an arm and a leg when there are free alternatives to try? You could have easily started a forum using one of the free bulletinboards as a kind of probationary period and see how your family members coped with that and to see if their interests in the site went passed the 3 month mark.
Even for people who know what they are doing and to expect traffic will not be in constant flow have days when they feel like giving up you had to expect this coming and forsee what what going to happen in the long run. I'm not saying your to blame but you should have went for a free software.
Worst comes to the worse you can always sell the licenses but i'm sure that is no consolation for the amount of work that you put into the sites. Infact, I don't think your family members quite appreciate the time and effort you put into the backend stuff and maybe you should explain that to them but then if your forcing them to continue it's not really a site they are contributing to for the love of it but more because they have to.
Maybe a no win situation unless you sell the sites and get good money from it.