Originally Posted by entertain
(1) I think that you haven't run the update script. Please read the new update instructions.
(2) I can't reproduce. Mayne it has something to do with you first "bug" 
First Bug Corrected with the Update Script as Instructed on the New Update Instructions. :up:
But the Second Bug is There; When Editing a Message and Clicking Out of the Edit Box of the Message, the Edit Box Don't Change Back to Normal View Of the Post.
When Trying to Edit a Second Message, the First Post (with Edit Box Still Activated), Activates, and No Matter What I Write on the Second Box, if I Click Outside or I Type Enter, the 2 Boxes Still Activated; when I Change to Chat History I can see that the Second Post takes the same Message than the First One.
Also, When I Click on the Refresh Button while with the Edit Boxes, No Refresh Takes Place and the Boxes are Still There.
I'm running the ChatBox on vB 373, and I also Noticed (previous to Update to New Version), that this Bug comes from the Last Version, (I haven't Edited Messages and I usually do it on the History so that's why I haven't reported this Bug Before).
I Checked on FireFox, on Internet Explorer and on Chrome, and the same Error Happens on All of them.
I Hope You Can Reproduce this Bug and Correct it on your Next Update.
My Best Regards and Thanks Again For the Update. :up:
Edit 1: I Remembered that I Had the "Automatic refresh activation" Option Set to "No" and the "Refresh rate in seconds" set to Zero "0"; I set the first Option to "Yes" and the Second One to a Number of Seconds (30), and then the Edits Worked Fine.
I Think that's Still a Bug There because the Message Edits Should Update No Matter if the Automatic Refresh Activation is set to "No" and/or the "Refresh rate in seconds" is set to Zero "0" (Deactivated), because is an Edit, and the Refresh Button is Present (I'm Supossed to Refresh the ChatVox With It).
My Best Regards.
Edit 2 (Partial Solution): If I Set the "Automatic refresh activation" Option Set to "No" and the "Refresh rate in seconds" to a Number Different than Zero "0" for Admin Usergroup, I noticed that Edits Can be Done Well and the ChatBox is Refreshed after Each Post Edit. :up:
But Still is Important that You Check Why if "Refresh rate in seconds" is set to Zero "0" the ChatBox Doesn't Refresh After an Edit and the Errors I mentioned Before my First Edit to this Post, are Happening.
Again, My Best Regards.