Originally Posted by Alfa1
1. If I show my sub-subforums, by setting the depth of subforums to 3 in forum listing display options and 'Allow depth of SubForums > 1 by indenting the Sub-SubForums' to yes, then they get alphabetically sorted in such a way that sub-subforums are sorted together with subforums. It shows like this:
Subforum A
Subsubforum A
Subforum B
Subforum C
Subforum D
Subforum E
Even when Subsubforum A is a child of Subforum D. I would like it to show under Subforum D.
This is a known limitation (Note that the sorting option actually says: "Do not use alphabetic sorting if SubForumDepth > 1 as the sorting may not make sense"). The logic to try and do nested sorting given the way the SubForum are returned is far to complex and liable to impact performance... Use the "Forum Display order" sorting and you can force the order in the Forum Manager.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
2. Some of my forums do not show a horizontal border between them. Edit: for some reason this is now resolved.
If it re-occurs, PM me a link &/ image so I can see it
Originally Posted by Alfa1
3. 'Forums where this Mod will HIDE any SubForums' does not seem to work for me.
Works fine for me... PM me a link and screen shots of the option settings so I can see if you have something set incorrectly
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Please add the function to show the number of people viewing a subforum.
It's added to the wish-list