1. If I show my sub-subforums, by setting the depth of subforums to 3 in forum listing display options and 'Allow depth of SubForums > 1 by indenting the Sub-SubForums' to yes, then they get alphabetically sorted in such a way that sub-subforums are sorted together with subforums. It shows like this:
Subforum A
Subsubforum A
Subforum B
Subforum C
Subforum D
Subforum E
Even when Subsubforum A is a child of Subforum D. I would like it to show under Subforum D.
2. Some of my forums do not show a horizontal border between them. Edit: for some reason this is now resolved.
3. 'Forums where this Mod will HIDE any SubForums' does not seem to work for me.
How can I fix this?
Please add the function to show the number of people viewing a subforum.