Originally Posted by Mutio
First of great thanks for this fantastic plugin!
Now I have two problems for which I'd like to ask for your help:
1) I just recently moved my site to a new server. Where the original link to the forums was www.visual-novels.net/forum the new one is www.visual-novels.net/vb
Now the downloads work fine, however a few internal links are messed up. On the left site http://www.visual-novels.net/vb/downloads.php the categories like Latest Files or Most Popular Files still link to the /forum/ folder. How do I edit them, so that everything links to the new /vb/ folder?
2) Is there a way to add multiple downloads in one entry? For example I have several versions of one file for Windows, Linux, Mac and so on and would like to have the download links all in one entry.
Thanks in advance for your help!
1. Click the "Update Counters" link at your downloads section. The left side statistics are being cached.
2. This isn't possible at the moment, but probably in the future it will.
Originally Posted by BozzaJos
Hey guys!
The past couple of weeks, I've experienced a problem with this mod. I've asked for help twice but till now, no assistance received yet. In the meantime, I added another problem to my list. Is there anyone who can assist me with these problems because it seems like the system has gone from running perfect to almost not running at all lol.
#1: A staffmember, who is in a custom usergroup called "Trial Mods", can't upload any files. When he adds the file and hits the submit button, he gets the following error:
"Maximum Upload Limit would be Exceeded by this file. Try a smaller file."
It just suddenly appeared. He was always able to add files but not any more. I don't have this problem and neither do registered members (tested it out myself with a testaccount).
#2: Received a couple of e-mails and PMs from members who get the following error when adding a file:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions.php(5721) : eval()'d code on line 10
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions.php(5721) : eval()'d code on line 61
vBulletin Message
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
I really hope these problems can be fixed soon. I've noticed that members are actually leaving because they can't upload their files to the Downloads Centre.
Thank you in advance for any help given!
1. Did you check the usergroup permissions? The "error" is caused by an upload limit you can set on a per usergroup basis.
2. Line 5721 of /includes/functions.php is the global_complete hook, but DownloadsII isn't using this plugin location. So the PHP warning is caused by another mod.
You will get the security token error when an upload is timing out, which is caused by a PHP server setting. Have a look at
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showp...23&postcount=3 (the vB attachment system will give you the same problem with large files).
Originally Posted by Wyzrd
I'm getting a Internal Server Error everytime I try to open the downloads page on my site. Also get the Internal Server Error in the Admin CP for everything under downloads except for Settings.
Any help?
EDIT: Well it's working on my site now. But now I still get the Internal Server Errors in the Admin CP.
Try reuploading all files. This is clearly a problem at your server side
Originally Posted by scrapableowner
I uploaded the "upload" folder to /public_html/forum/ on my server.
Did you upload the upload folder itself (wrong)? Or only its content (correct)?