Originally Posted by TriMe
The grabber doesnt work if your logged in through Facebook. If you log out, then invite.. it works. Strange. Any suggestions on how to fix? I would love both to work
EDIT*** Correction. As long as your addon is enabled, the grabber won't work. Regardless if someone is connected normally without a Facebook account or not. Nutz!!
Originally Posted by sllik
I could take a look at it tomorrow... no promises though
I get the same error when using fb connect with a fb grabber...apparently it's because two facebook libraries are installed and you have to comment out "require" somewhere but i have no clue where...
Trime / sillk /anyone was there aresolution to this please help
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Facebook in /home/content/*/*/*/*******/html/app/webroot/forum/includes/facebook/facebook.php on line 37