Originally Posted by turbosatan
I have the problem where the iframe is not tall enough also.
Can anyone advise a way to change this?
ok so i found http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/...sizable_IFrame this page. on the canvas page of the facebook app setup you can specify a resizeable iframe instead of a "Smartsize"
There are some details on this page on how to modify some of the code to make itr fit the content size.
But i am no coder. Can anyone who knows their way around code take a look and see if there is a simple one liner that can change this.
I fix this, by uploading the whole package again and import the XML file.
But now I am getting an error after I create a post.
I am not getting the publish to facebook question... instead I am getting a faceboook error
Application response error
Invalid template bundle id specified: XXXXXXXXXX. You can see this because you are one of the developers of the app.
Any idea how to correct this? I reset the News-Feed Templates but it didn't fix it.