Originally Posted by VBDev
Well can you make me a screenshot of the options you have selected on the notifications management page in the acp?
I've send you a pm.
Originally Posted by VBDev
Unstickying a message shouldn't redirect you as everything is done in javascript with Ajax => no page reloading.
Send me admin accoun access to your forum by pm please.
I've send you a pm.
Originally Posted by VBDev
I am sorry but I don't understand you.
It's indeed a bit hard to explain

This is a piece from the mgc_cb_evo template. To make things more visual, lets say I've replaced every 2 spaces for a % and each tab for a @, this would how it looks like:
%%%% <!-- Channel icons and chats -->
%%%% <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
%%%%%%@<if condition="$show['genchan']">
@@@@@@<td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" align="$stylevar[left]">
@@@@@@@<div id="channel_gen_on">
@@@@@@@@<img id="mgc_cb_channel_gen_on" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/mgc_cb_evo/mgc_cb_gen_channel_sel.gif" width="20px" height="20px" alt="" border="0" title="$vbphrase[mgc_cb_evo_channel_gen]" />
@@@@@@@<div id="channel_gen_off" style="display: none;">
@@@@@@@@<a href="#mgc_cb_evo_top" onclick="return display_channel(0);"><img id="mgc_cb_gen_off" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/mgc_cb_evo/mgc_cb_gen_channel_nosel.gif" width="20px" height="20px" alt="" border="0" title="$vbphrase[mgc_cb_evo_channel_gen]" /></a>
@@@@@@@<div id="channel_gen_new" style="display: none;">
@@@@@@@@<a href="#mgc_cb_evo_top" onclick="return display_channel(0);"><img id="mgc_cb_gen_new" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/mgc_cb_evo/mgc_cb_gen_channel_new.gif" width="20px" height="20px" alt="" border="0" title="$vbphrase[mgc_cb_evo_channel_new]" /></a>
%%%%%%% <td width="100%" colspan="<if condition="$show['genchan']">2<else />3</if>">
%%%%%%% @%<div id="mgc_cb_evo_user_warn" <if condition="empty($warn_msg)">style="display: none;"</if>>$warn_msg</div>
%%%%%%%%%<if condition="$vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_evo_separate_special_chats'] == 0">
%%%%%%%%%@<table width="100%">
%%%%%%%%%@%<td width="100%" align="left">
@%%%%%%%%%%<div style="width:100%; height: {$chatbox_height}px;overflow-y: auto;border: none; z-index: 1;float: left;" id="chats_container">
%%@%%%%%%% @%<table width="95%" align="$stylevar[left]" cellspacing="0">
@%@@@@@@<tbody id="chats">
%%@%%%%% @%</td>
%%@%%%%% @%<td width="0%" align="left">
%%%%%%%%%%%%<div style="width:100%; height: {$chatbox_height}px;overflow-y: auto;border: none; z-index: 1; " id="schats_container">
%%%%%%%%%% @%<table width="95%" align="$stylevar[left]" cellspacing="0">
@%%@@@@@<tbody id="schats">
%%%%%%%%%%@@@@<td> </td>
In short, all is well coded, but the layout/grammar is quite messy.