Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
But most people just register and dont post. Why are so many people like this ? Its been like this for years. People just register and do nothing.. are your forums like this too?
I guess their birthday is 1st jan 1980
May be spam bots. I check each one of mine and delete about 10 -15 a day, I use the is bot mod and that stops 99.99% of spam bots, its great
You could do a mass email and warn members that unless they contribute their dormant account will be deleted, then you prune from your admin cp all new members that have not bothered posting.
That should give you a more manageable size forum and then all you need to do is to moviate those existing members.
have you done any competitions lately?? Perhaps do something together for charity.
Years ago i took part in a forum charity type thing called "Double your Money", where You do an I.O.U to your members of say $10, The members with their $10 have to do something to Double their money, so one guy i knew started to wash his friends cars for $5 a time, He made $65 in a weekend, Less the $10 for your IOU, He paypaled $55 to the site admin, for the charity thing they were doing.
so thats a good one if you can talk your members to actually get off their PC and Do something
Get members to Donate something and have a "LIVE" auction in a shoutbox or chatroom on site, everyone loves a good auction
Theres loads of stuff to do for fun or charity, you just need to think of a few
Good Luck :up: