Hi I would like to implement the following setup and point different categories to different domains as follows.
- General Chat -
- Topic 1 category
--- Topic 1 subforum 1
--- Topic 1 subforum 2
- Topic 2 category
--- Topic 2 subforum 1
--- Topic 2 subforum 2
I am not sure how this will work but all the categories need to link back to the main site and show they are a category of the main site keeping the new posts updated etc etc to confirm with licensing.
So if any one knows how to do this please let me know, I do have the following questions to set this up??
1) If I point a category to a domain how do I configure that domain on my host and vb setup? I know how to use URL's to make a category but how to make the domain display the category if that makes sense? Say I have
How do I make mobile 1 display the category it needs to? Do I need to park all my domains onto the folder where the VB install is? I have a VPS so I have root access and know my way around a shell?
2) I am assuming this will not harm SEO as there will not be any duplicate information?
3) How does login / logout work passing between domains? I saw on the parrot site that once you visited a category a java script would pop up asking you to login again and it would automatically login you into the new domain? Is there a hack to do this? I saw cookie cutter for 3.7 but I am on 3.8.
4) How do I ensure the new posts section is updating across the domains? I am assumning that would come from answer 1??
Look forward to some suggestions so I can get my site off the ground :up: