Originally Posted by Red-Devil
If your refering to the file edits in the install instructions.
Damn, ok I am adding this to the to check list then !
In order to display the chatbox on the IBProarcade pages, follow these instructions:
1. In the admin control panel, go in the Display and positions of the chatbox.
2. Activate the option Display the chatbox on defined pages in a var or Display the chatbox on defined pages below the navbar.
3. In the pages list, add : arcade
and then validate.
4. Open the arcade/functions/functions.php file and search for function do_output($output_array).
5. After // add additional needed variables, add : global $mgc_cb_evo,$mgc_cb_evo_var;
6. Finally, if you are using te option to display the chatbox in a var, edit the ARCADE template and add : $mgc_cb_evo_var
where you want the chatbox to appear.
These are in place and its not displaying for some reason.
I tested it one week ago or so and it was working. Have you correctly set the display on all pages options ?
Originally Posted by Playa82
works fine now, i think i had a file issue.
but it shows MGC Chatbox Evo created by MGC, Version 2.3.0
i installed 2.3.1
is this a error ?
Yes... but from me

i forgot to update the version in the copyright
Originally Posted by l_amhed
I deleted all the files in my cache directory by hand, then reloaded the page (I even press shift to be sure hehe) but still the same problem.
Here is my config (in case of) :
Load YUI javascript files from the YAHOO servers - yes
Automatic refresh activation - yes
Hide refresh display - yes
Activate the inactive mode - yes
Activate the inactive mode on load - no
Vertical align of the chats - top (does not seem to work)
Save the collapsed state of the BBCODE and smilies lines - no
Memorize chats formatting chosen by users in the chatbox - yes
Force the chatbox in collasped mode by default - yes
EDIT: I forgot to specify that I am using IE, tested on Firefox and there is no collapsing problem (most of the time, it just happened once)
As I told you => send me admin account info by PM.
Originally Posted by Mahar
A suggestion for this would be...AJAX Lightbox for Full Screen mode...if you don't get what I mean...basically if you click Full Screen Mode it pops up..kind of like the Attachments for the newer versions of vBulletin.
Sorry but I won't develop such feature, this way too unuseful.