You don't have to explain your intentions to me, I'm sure they are good. I'm one of those type and speaking from a developers stance I suppose is that it wouldn't be worth my time just for one day to create something. Xmas on the other hand, Because it spans for a month or so I'll go out my way and create something for the community but for one day I wouldn't.
Well, I'll thank you if they don't like I mentioned in another thread. Your a good contributor here and we need more light hearted people around just to keep those morons (shelley) in check.
You see, why would I go and end it with the "mad" smiley.
Looking at your other thread don't let others deter you from releasing I'm sure the community appreciate your ubundance of contributions even if it's not in text. Anyway, I'll stop typing now before this gets mistaken for a serious ass kissing response.