Originally Posted by crazlunatic
I sent a support ticket. Will I get an email when it is answered or would I have to keep checking?
you will get an email when it is replied to and the status changed. sorry for the delay, but i have a lot of messages to get through so it might take a little while for me to get to yours.
Originally Posted by mokujin
Why points in credits field are so long? Like 71.7699999999999 ???
if you see that in the user editor in the admin control panel, then it is normal. the decimal settings will take of rounding it into prettier numbers. that happens to credits when there are percents involved.
Originally Posted by MajidOnline
How can I change the usergroup of a user with credit amount?
thanks in advanced
currently this isnt possible, however with vbcommerce there is a paid subscriptions itemtype available that can do that, but pm me for more info. vbcommerce gold was released free on my site a few days ago