Your front page looks nice. Clean and very tidy, easily navigated to get to the areas which I don't understand though italian was never my strong point when my parents where trying to teach me their native language. Overall, the front page looks nice and well organized.
I was expecting a visually more pleasing looking forum but there's some areas I don't like. The flashing animated buttons in the navbar are annoying. Try to stay clear of gimmicky flashing images (especially on the index page). They are just that, gimmicky and loose their appeal.
The register button (for guests) is not creative. Big blue default vbulletin images don't compliment anything. Infact, I would suggest having large text rather than the big blue defualt register button displayed it doesn't do any justice to your custom style by allowing a vbulletin stock image present on your style.
The what's going on area icons are custom yet you have the default vbulletin birthday icon indicator still. Replace this monstrosity and go with something custom. First priority is to replace any rogue vbulletin images that are showing on the forumhome. It's the first (second rather after the frontpage) visitors such as myself will go to.
in the postbit, I noticed you haven't replaced the user_online/offline/invisible icons yet you have went for custom icons for everything else. I'd suggest you set about replacing that icon (s) for a custom image to wrap up that area.
Overall, nice work.