Originally Posted by lasto
maybe u never read it right - i said that some of these sites have hacks that are not even released here as they are free to use of the board that makes them.Remember not all sites that offer vbhacks are all from here - some of them actually make their own.
Maybe you didn't say it right. There is a big difference between sites offering hacks other than vB.org and advocating that "some of these warezs sites are worth there weight in gold." As you said it yourself, you have nothing against those sites reposting hacks from here.
Originally Posted by RedTyger
It's not just warez sites. I've seen web design companies/individuals replace my copyright with their own so it looks like the modification is their own work. I find that much more irritating, although you're more likely to be able to actually do something about it, should you want to.
I think some people would be surprised at the number of "vB experts" who take that approach as well.