Hi Everyone
I did a search on Google earlier for one of my hacks to show a guy at work and i was supprised at all the different sites that have copied them from here and added them to their sites, which i thought was nice as i must be doing something right but a large majority of the sites are underground nulled sites and one of them was even offering the latest version of VB for free
Now whilst is nice for me to see my hacks on VBulletin support sites, like VBulletin Germany and France, i'm not too happy about it appearing on nulled sites, i just wanted to know what VB.orgs policy on copyrights was and whilst its nice to be asked, Like Allan from the VBulletin-France, its also nice to know exactly where all these hacks are allowed to appear.
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this or am i just being paranoid