Originally Posted by high6
Thanks for the update  .
The edit textbox doesn't have WYSWYG :X.
Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
Edit textbox? Are you talking about when you click on a chat to edit it?
Well the edit textbox isn't supposed to be wyiswig, only the chat one.
Originally Posted by KizZamP-
Ok I will do that. But will I not lose all my permission settings then? And my shouts made with mgc chatbox evo?
No if you just reupload files you won't
You would be loosing the chats if you were deinstalling the chatbox but that's not what I ask you to do.
Originally Posted by ricoche
Same here. First time fresh installation 2.3.1 on vb3.8.1 and all I get is "loading". Searched on this forum and the developer website and see some people have the same issue, but there doesn't seem to be any solution. Will wait and see. Thanks!
Well with latest version noone experienced loading issues. Those who experienced it had not upgrade the files or the product correctly or had non reverted templates.
Try also to load yui either from local or yahoo server (see general chatbox options).