Originally Posted by lasto
I got suspended for airing my views on here and it seems shelley is still suspended.
Now before you say we dont discuss staff decisions on here,let me say that you hit us all at the same time and decided to suspend users who aired their views on this thread :
To make matters even worse you deleted a lot of posts from the above thread so it was left in a good light.If you cant stand critisicm then you should`nt be running a board simple as.A good admin will always listen to their members esp if their is more than one complaining as obviously something is not right.
In all fairness i dont care if i get banned but at least ban me for the right reason and not just because i think you are to lazy to protect your members.
Your killing vbulletin with your attitudes towards members and lack of support when members need it.Dont believe me,then check your own board - its basically dying because members dont release much here these days.Now times could just be quiet but its been like this for some time now and i think you are now reaping what you sow.
Over the yrs you have treated members badly and anyone with a view which did not tally with yours was basically shot down - where are these members now ?
They`ve had enough and moved on.
As an administrator yourself, your going to tell me that you can't take a little disciplinary action? Staff
does not suspend users on a whim, we have rules to enforce, and we give infractions, and if you get enough infractions, then you get suspended. Now, since that is out of the way, closed.