Originally Posted by Bloodhound2922
I installed this hack as explained here, and everything shows up as supposed to, with the exception of those permissions.
Here is what the Administrator usergroup permissions look like after I have chosen the permissions, and BEFORE I have pressed Update:
This is what it looks like after I press Update:
This is what the Usergroup Manager page looks like after I have set the permissions:
This is the permissions of the new 'administrator' usergroup
And I originally installed the v.5 version, but then uninstalled that when I realised that I only had chat version 4. Please disregard that post.
As I said in my previous reply, I do not have any idea what is causing it, but I do know that there is no way this hack can be causing the problem, as it it just affects the
ms_wic4_addon_permissions column which is added to the Usergroup table by this hack (no vBulletin usergroup permissions are touched at all). There is no code in my hack that can cause a usergroup to be replicated/duplicated/copied. So, something else must be causing it.
I have even installed/uninstalled this hack again a couple of times on two installations and could not recreate the problem you are having.
[s]As I can not recreate this problem, the only other option is that I am going to have to look at your installation.
If you want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, a temp admin user (with admin permissions -
Can Administer Settings for editing options,
Can Administer Styles for editing templates,
Can Administer Language Settings for editing phrases,
Can Administer User Permissions to edit usergroups and finally
Can Administer Plugins for editing products and plugins), and ftp access details, without these I can not help you. I will look when I have time, and even if I have a look, I can not guarantee that I will be able to fix it, so it is up to you what you want to do. You can revoke these after I have helped you out.
Let me know what you decide.[/s]
There is nothing else I can do or suggest to help.