Sorry for any confusion, but I intended it as 2 separate issues, not a cross post.
We currently run on vB 3.7 and use this SF 1.4.6 plug-in. The Moderator permissions issue is real for us right now. Hence my earlier post above.
We have been pushing back the upgrade to vB 3.8 until your SF 2.0 mod was released. We are running a vB3.8 dev site and trying a first pass integration with SF2. Various timing and resource issues are likely to delay the release of the our 3.8 site upgrade until mid-year.
We need the mod permissions issue resolved for both SF releases. You had indicated earlier that 2.0 was to be a substantial rewrite. So I asked the same question for both SF releases (1.4.6 and 2.0) in the expectation that there were two different answers.