For SSH users:-
I want to know the commands/scripts you use for a reliable backup and restore. I beg, please do not post theoretical replies, be practical and post commands lol.
Here's what I am using now and things are working perfect, but I need some experienced opinions on this:-
For Backup:
mysqldump --opt -u USERNAME -p DATABASENAME | gzip > /home/username/dbbackup.sql.gz
The above command works great. But I have three questions related to it-
a) Some people use
-Q option in the above mysqldump command which is equal to quote-names i.e. it puts a backtick on table names. What is its significance? Do you use it too?
b) Some people use
-9 option for gzip in the above command. In --help it shows that -9 compresses better. Do you use -9 too?
c) Do you even prefer to gzip OR just like to keep the bulky .sql files?
For Restore:
gunzip < /home/username/dbbackup.sql.gz | mysql -u USERNAME -p EMPTY_DATABASENAME
a) Does the above look good to you? Do you use exactly the same?