unable to turn forum off and censorship no longer works
I am having some issues with my forum, upon moving my forum from a shared hosting server to a VPS as well as upgrading to 3.8.0 a month a go I have started noticing that censorship no longer works and then when going to turn my forum off this morning to try to upgrade I couldn't do that either!!!
I had 4 plugins installed, 3 (vbseo Sitemap generator, cron based email sending, You replacement) I have uninstalled. I also have a post thank you hack installed but when I try to uninstall that I get database errors and am unable to view posts.
I have tried upgrading my old test forum to the version I am running now with no plugins and these features work.
Could the post thank you hack be causing this after upgrading the forum to 3.8 or could something else be happening? I just don't understand why this thank you hack would cause censorship and turning my forum off to not work? I am a little worried that perhaps something else is going on?
I have also tried installing the post thank you hack on my test forum and these features still work.