Originally Posted by Coders Shack
thats the alt tag on the image, your livetopic image is not the the correct directory.
Ok......... are you going to let me know which directory to place them in???
In the upload file there was an image folder, in the image folder where two folders, one name misc & one name statusicon
I put the misc image in /forums/images/misc & /forums/blak-ice/misc which is the styles folder.
I put the statusicon folder in /forums/images/misc & /forums/blak-ice/misc, but no change.
I took the images out of the statusicon folder and placed them in all 4 above locations, still no change. Perhaps I missed understood the install process, if you can help me, I would be greatly thankful.
Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks for your help anyway. I had to place the statusicon folder "intact" to the styles misc folder. Only now the text is black, almost same color as the forums, how to I change the color guys, I'm back to square one guys.
Never mind again, I took the image, opened Paint Shop Pro, filled in the black with yellow and all is good now. Thanks anyway for the help.