Hey VbSEO support.
Ok, got a question for you. Our site, AVSFORUM, is quite large. Each night the Sitemap runs and it does MILLIONS of entries and sends it to Google and the others. I really do not think this is a good thing as it can not index the site that quick. So I am thinking that maybe I have the site map settings incorrect or something for it to send such data each night.
So the question...For large sites, what would be your recommended settings?
Attached is a screen shot showing what I mean. (Yes, we get that many new posts and threads in a day as it also did run the night before.

(Talking about the + part of the report))
Side note...It has been quite some time that I attempted to use your SEO product for in the past, for those who recall, it was a total nightmare with server loads. This goes back a few years. So, has this improved. Please feel free to contact me outside this thread to talk again about it.
Thank you.