Hey guys.
I have my brand new dedicated server and i want use it for my forum.
The control panel is Prarallels Plesk panel and i have no i dea how to use it!
I want create a web hosting account for my forum but i do something not correct.
They are to many otpions in the panel.
I have try with a registered domain with DNS record to my server the following:
1)I have Create new Resseller account /but i cant login to the FTP only via browser to the panel.
2)I have create new client account /but i cant login to the FTP only via browser to the panel.
3)I have added the domain to the client or to the resseler account and they redirect me to server defult page
I do something wrong?
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By the way:
I get this error if i try to create resseler account,client account and domain.
Error: Unable to fetch customer's billing data: Unable to connect to Plesk-Billing.
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This are the sections to select on the left side:
Main Menu
Home Home
Resellers Resellers
Clients Clients
Domains Domains
Settings Settings
Parallels Virtuozzo Containers Parallels Virtuozzo Containers
Modules Modules
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Can somebody help me to make this server ready to working for my forum?(FTP,database etc..)