Originally Posted by tiengnhat
Please tell me to fix 3 topic will be winner on 1 month.
3 winners are always calculated per contest (can not be changed). If you look at the award icons, they should specify if it's 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.
Originally Posted by intelgio2
I am running VB 3.8.1 with Blog version 2. The nomination system works great in the forums section but when I activate the blog I do not see anywhere that the blog can be nominated. It could be an incompatibility issue, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.
In the Nominate Topic settings, make sure you enabled it for blogs. Many settings there are also applicable to blogs. For more details on common settings errors, read this post:
I don't have VB Blogs, so I can't test it - the code was written by Data.