With all due respect to the coder, please take my comments as intended and not as a personal attack against you or the vbTwitter mod - but really, what's the point?
I can see no point in a forum's users littering their twitter pages with a stream of Check This Out text with no description in the links of what the potential visitor might be looking at? I can't speak for other web users out there, but I don't have a tendancy to click on links just because they tell me to click here or to check this out. If you could find a way to form a better link, perhaps by pulling in the post/thread title, then this mod could be mildly useful.
Until then, I am uninstalling this mod. I wish you success as you try to get this worked out, and I would revisit this mod if you can communicate better to users what exactly the link is going to be about.
Lima Bean