Great mod. I have been using the VBGeek version for a while and would like to switch over to this but I have one problem.
I'm not getting the drop down to show the album categories I have made in VBGallery. All I get is 'All Photos' as a filter selection.
I attached a couple of screen shots and here is my debug info. Other then this little issue it is working great! Thanks!
Debug information
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP) num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: vbgallery
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells) <a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'\'><img src=\'\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ','
')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Query Used product: vbgallery
Cookie Read Cookie:
Set Cookie: vbgallery,,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns) [td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3]