You say there is a dffenrent type of ajax used now with vbulletin how do I get documation for this and how do I setup the sender and reciever part.
As you know my javascript function needs to fire of some ajax to a handler of some kind on the server that is running PHP.
Now I have taken the first part of the calandar down to where the actaul start of the script and posted above and this was in hopes that someone would be able to make the changes in what I posted for me.
I put in the post the php function calls that I thought would at least deal with this and now I find there is a new way to do it no wonder I could not get any thing I tried to even remoty work or be close to any thing other then a buch of errors.
Would someone please go thorugh the setup part and explain in very clear details how to setup this so all I have to do is write the send and reciever functions.
I want to go from my javascript that is hooked to my form and resides in the same templete a custom one i modified and thorugh ajax store the values selected off into a log or some other thing I have to do before my javescript actual sends the form submit after housekeeping is complete.
The function doing the housekeeping is in PHP and that is what i am good in myself.
But I have never in my life done ajax so any help on this is very much needed.
Frank H. Shaw