Originally Posted by VBDev
Well as I have added lots of options I don't remember everything.
But I think there is a separate option for archives time.
I just pass thrue all of your options and I find all option for archives time on Chats display page. My date/time displaying settings are:
Display the chats date -
Chatbox dates format -
Activate the display of Today/Yesterday in the date for the chatbox -
Display the chats time -
Chatbox times format -
Number of chats per archives page -
Display order of chats in each archives page -
Newest messages on top
Archive's date display format -
d-m-Y, H:i
Maybee some combination of functions give this problem

I just see that in archive page I just see TODAY and YESTERDAY messages!? In I turn OFF
Activate the display of Today/Yesterday in the date for the chatbox date and time was shown correctly (
05-03-2009, 10:54). BUT I notice that here I have one more problem - I see
only today and yesterday messages (!?!?) even if I set "Number of days before automatic chats removal -
15"!!! For this options you wrote:
"WARNING : by activating this option, the date and hours format set for the chatbox will be replaced by the forum's default one"
Maybee problem is here? It just need to display Today, H:i (or Yesterday, H:i or for older chats full date/time 03-03-2009, 12:54). I think that this is working with older version(s).....
Please check.....
Thanks in advance m8!
P.S. I hope so that my bad english is not too bad

and that you can understand what I try to explain....