Originally Posted by mykkal
That is done actually. But I feel it harms the community when projects are abandoned but still listed. Especially when the majority of the community is interested and waiting.
I didn't know he's abandoned it but he most certainly hasn't answered and questions I've had. He hasn't installed/reinstalled the project or even said that he cannot do it. And I haven't seen him answer anyone else recently other then once.
vBulletin.org has requirements for answering promptly to be a supported product. Every other thread gets an quick reply or you wait til the next day or so. That's not bad at all. This...however...SMH.
Its only been a couple of days, give him some time. Remember that mod developers are rarely doing this full time so responding to things and doing installs are done in their spare time. And alot of people ask questions, more than one part time person can really answer so some will get missed
Also you need to remember that payments take time to clear (paypal state it can take upto a week before its validated) so maybe silk was waiting for that to happen and when ist cleared and he has the time he will probably get in touch