The main theme and layout looks quite nice. All colours seem to match, and I like most of the modifications made to the forum icons
- To create a successful board, (original!) content is a must.
- Personally I would ditch (asap!) and spend $5,- per month for a domain and hosting.
If so, please locate your forum root in root, and not /forum.
- I would go for a name change yourself, or use your own name instead of 'admin'.
- I would like to know more what your site is about.
- Validate your forums:
- Install Firefox, or use a spell checker before posting any content (for SEO purposes):
There seem to be quite some spanking and witches around (nothing wrong with that btw.).
- Looking at above topic only, try to tell your guests why your site is cool, instead of apologize right on.
(there also seem to be 3 things you?d like to tell 1st.